Tuesday, September 17, 8PM @ the Bell House, FREE! Secret Science Club presents Neuroscientist Moran Cerf

Moran Cerf is a computer hacker turned neuroscientist. Security companies once paid him to break into banks. Now he hacks the human brain. Using electrodes implanted deep inside the craniums of patients undergoing neurosurgery, Dr. Cerf and his colleagues are studying “thought” as it’s never been studied before . . .

He asks: How do we control our perceptions, thoughts and emotions? What does the brain look like when it’s most intrigued? What is the future of brain-machine interfaces? Could brain-powered prosthetics not only replace lost limbs, but even enhance the human body?

Dr. Cerf runs the C-Lab (Curiosity, Creativity, Cognition, Complexity, Consciousness, Consumer Behavior, Computation) and is assistant professor of neuroscience and marketing at Northwestern University, visiting professor in neurosurgery at UCLA, and Alfred P. Sloan professor of screenwriting at the American Film Institute. He is also a Moth storytelling GrandSlam champion.

Before & After
--Try our wet-wiredcocktail of the night, the Brain Alcohol Interface
--Submit to our dopamine-spikedneuro-grooves
--Stick around for the mind-blowingQ&A

This brain-powered edition of the Secret Science Club meets Tuesday, September 17, 8 pm @ the Bell House, 149 7th St.(between 2nd and 3rd avenues) in Gowanus, Brooklyn. Subway: F or G to 4th Ave.

Doors open at 7:30 pm. Please bring ID: 21+

No cover. Just bring your smart self! 

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