
I'm flying out tomorrow morning for the History of Science Society's Annual Meeting in San Diego. The philosophers of science will be there too, and the whole thing kicks off (of course) with more talking about Kuhn!

I hope all our readers at the conference will turn out for the Forum for the History of Science in America's business meeting and distinguished lecture. During the meeting we will announce the winner of the FHSA prize for the best book on the history of science in America published in 2009-2011 (look for an interview with the author soon thereafter). If you'd like to get involved in the forum in any capacity, please feel free to drop in.

After the business meeting, we can all turn our attention to James Fleming, the FHSA distinguished historian lecturer, giving a talk called "At the Cutting Edge: Harry Wexler and the Emergence of Atmospheric Science." See you all there on Friday at noon in the Spinnaker room.

Whether or not you make it to the meeting, please track me down or one our other bloggers (Joanna and Lukas will be there too) and tell us what you'd like to see more of on this blog. We would love to hear from you!

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