Science Centers

Okay, now we have our essential student supplies and teacher materials.  Now what??? Let's start thinking about centers.

There are many ways to incorporate centers or stations into your classroom. 
  •     Rotations - where you set out five or six stations and the students rotate from station to station in one class period.  Many people incorporate this into the day on Fridays as a great way to end the week.  I like to do this occasionally throughout the year!

  • Stationary Spot - I have a Science Spot in my classroom where I put out a center for students to go to during "free time" - like after school bus call, in the morning during "check in" or if they finish work early.  The activities that I include have a structured page with background/content information as well as step by step directions.  
What should they look like? 

       No matter which structure you use for your centers ther are a few things that will help make these centers successful. 
  1. Trays or Tubs to contain materials is essential! 
  2. Task cards - with visual/written directions of what to do.
  3. Recording sheet - to record and reflect what you learned.
If you decide to "grade" or assess the work that they do make sure you include a rubric!

To get a FREE example of a Science Spot that I use at the beginning of the year with beach artifacts click here.

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