Introducing Capacity...

We started our capacity unit of measurement this week.  To introduce it, I had my students start with a problem.  How much water will our tubs hold?  I gave them a collection of quarts and cups for the students to use to fill up their tubs.  Because I really wanted the kids to experience filling up the tubs in small groups using "shocker" real water, I arranged to use our outdoor classroom spot.  That way, if water spilled - it was on the ground. 

Before we went outside, we wrote our question in our science notebook and discussed the need for recording the data as we filled up the tub.  How would we record it? How would we keep track? 
My students are comfortable working in their science groups where each one has a rotating job.  (Getter 1, Getter 2, Starter and Reporter)  They know by now how to work together and they do it very smoothly...Everyone is engaged...everyone shares the work.

When we were finished we came in side and shared our data.  Although each tub was the same size, how they measured it was very different. Some only used cups, some used quarts and cups....

We recorded this group data to come back to tomorrow...for a follow up with equivalency of
US Standard units...

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