I love PINTEREST....


        Let me share with you my favorite new find from Pinterest....Sesame Street Videos with celebrities.. I can't wait to share this with my students!  Even though they are in fourth grade, I know they will enjoy it.  They are so into popular music they will actually "get" the humor of it - and they are old enough to enjoy it.  Yes, I know...some may make fun of Sesame Street, but I think most will secretly enjoy it!  First of all it is Jason Mraz...and second it's about going outdoors.  Check it out...

Pin AddictNext I'd like to share with you the new link on the side bar....Teaching Pin Addict.  It is created by the people who brought you Teaching Blog Addict (on of my favorite sites).    If you have a few hours to spare (and trust me...it is addicting...) check out this site. It links you up to over 100 Pinterest boards ...all about Education.  My site is included on the list at the very bottom of teaching related pins... If you want to skip that step and go straight to my site it is: http://pinterest.com/sciencegal/for-the-classroom/

Just know...it is NOT all science but lots of fourth grade related sites for reading, math, science and social studies.  Most of them are NOT my things, but things I like.
       This board is my board of pins from my sites alone:  http://pinterest.com/sciencegal/science-gal-blog/   I just made this and had so much fun reminiscing on all the fun things we have done this year. 

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