Teacher Resources on FOSSweb
Okay so yesterday I walked you through parts of the website. Today we are going to look at the most important part...Teacher Resources.
Just to remind you... www.fossweb.com
1. Go to your grade level band on the right side (grades 3-5)
2. Click on the module you want to explore - Magnetism and Electricity
3. Click on the Parent/Teacher resources section
Now we are here!
1. Module Summary - gives you a basic description of what you will learn during this module
2. Home School Connection - gives you access to the family newsletter, math problem of the week, project ideas and home/school connections
3. Teacher Resources:
The Resource Database has a collection of non-fiction and fiction books that complement the unit as well as recommended videos, websites and software.
Module Teaching Notes: This is a forum where people have added tips, background knowledge and information about materials.
If there is a change that needs to be made post publication date, this is where you would find it.
This is where you will find copies of the worksheets that go along with every investigation in both full size and half-size sheets. You will also find them in Spanish.
This is where you can find the MSDS on all the materials for the unit.
LOVE THIS! You can watch a teacher do a lesson as well as learn how to get the materials ready for each investigation. Great for a refresher to see how to teach the lesson.
If you see this, then that means there is an activity that you can do outside that matches the content you are teaching during this unit. These were designed for teachers in any school setting - urban and rural.
You can listen to each of the stories from the readers read aloud. Great for your students who may read at a lower level.
Actual photographs of the equipment needed for each activity. Great for ELL learners!!!
Hope this helps you explore www.fossweb.com . Enjoy!
Just to remind you... www.fossweb.com
1. Go to your grade level band on the right side (grades 3-5)
2. Click on the module you want to explore - Magnetism and Electricity
3. Click on the Parent/Teacher resources section
Now we are here!
1. Module Summary - gives you a basic description of what you will learn during this module
2. Home School Connection - gives you access to the family newsletter, math problem of the week, project ideas and home/school connections
3. Teacher Resources:
The Resource Database has a collection of non-fiction and fiction books that complement the unit as well as recommended videos, websites and software.
Hope this helps you explore www.fossweb.com . Enjoy!