Sunday...what's for dinner???

So...I know I'm a Science Gal...but I'm also a mom like so many of you out there.  This weekend has been crazy with running between baseball pictures and soccer games.  Who has time to think about dinner for the week?  I just found some blogs that I am loving and thought I would share.
  Mommy's Kitchen blog is all about making yummy, kid friendly comfort foods. Now, some of them are not easy...but they sure look delicious. I am attempting to make her Spaghetti and Meatballs as well as the Pork Chops from the September menu this week.

Well, now that I found that one...I searched for more.

Busy Moms RecipesBusy Moms Tips
So the next one I found is right up my ally - Busy Moms!  Yes that is definitely me. She has recipes and links to other busy mom blogs.
Besides...if I'm honest...I like her logo!

Busy Moms TipsShe also has a second blog called BusyMomTips which is great for the organizationally challenged as I am...She lays out all the things I never think of. Why is it that I am so good at preparing things for my classroom and so bad at it at home??? Thank GOD I have an amazing husband who does most of the thinking for me!  Love the logo!

A Busy Mom's Slow Cooker AdventuresSaving my favorite for last...this blogger is also a teacher!  I didn't know that when I found her, but as I read her blog I realized she teaches too.  So you know she knows our lives. She also has some super cute links on the side that I am going to check out ASAP... 

But that's it for now...gotta run to a soccer game, then over to WalMart for grocery shopping and maybe a little time to read a book just for fun....  Don't forget....tomorrow starts Science Week on TeachingBlogAddict.  I have prepared my own posts to go along with their themes since I am not a featured author ... yet!

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