Speaking and Listening in science
Think about this: If your students aren't talking in science, chances are they aren't fully processing what they are learning either...hmmmm....
Good science instruction should start with a discussion - not a lecture. Teacher pose a question to review a concept or vocabulary word presented in a previous lesson or simply introduce the focus question for the new lesson. The conversation begins...
Let's talk about whole class discussion protocols:
PS: Tomorrow: I will discuss Partner and Small group discussions...
Good science instruction should start with a discussion - not a lecture. Teacher pose a question to review a concept or vocabulary word presented in a previous lesson or simply introduce the focus question for the new lesson. The conversation begins...
Let's talk about whole class discussion protocols:
- Think-pair-share: when I want the whole class engaged (and not zoning off) I will pose a question for them to answer. First, give them a minute or two to think - then they share their answer with a partner. This can be as simple as turn to your neighbor or visiting a clock buddy (cooperative grouping strategy). Why I like this: I have noticed that this allows my quiet, less outgoing students a chance to express what they are thinking in a safe and meaningful way. Many of our students need to talk through their thinking for meaning connections and this is a perfect way to provide this structure.
- Pick a stick: Write every students name on a craft stick and put in a cup. Some teachers even put their own name on a stick so that they c
an express an idea! One new suggestion I saw was to put tape across the middle of the cup so you can store the names you have called on one spot...Why I like this: This is a great way to keep you honest!This allows you to call on names randomly and give everyone a chance.
- Whip around: Each student take a quick turn sharing a thought or reaction in a circle or at their desks. Questions are phrased to elicit quick responses that can be answered in a few words. Ex: Name an animal that lives in a pond ecosystem...Why I like this: It's quick and fun!
- Group posters: Have the small group record their ideas on a poster and do a quick share or gallery walk. Why I like this: It allows kids to work together and it is a quick snapshot into the group's thinking...plus, it is a tangible record you can display in your classroom!
PS: Tomorrow: I will discuss Partner and Small group discussions...