The Secret Science Club presents "Living Skyscrapers—Ecologist Dickson Despommier Re-Envisions the City" on Tuesday, January 13 @ 8 pm

Step into the great glass elevator . . . the Secret Science Club is heading skyward with microbiologist and ecologist Dickson Despommier, whose ambitious project to create vertical farms in urban skyscrapers could radically re-vision the way we live—and eat.

A professor of environmental science and public health at Columbia University, Dr. Despommier asks:
--How might urban sky farms reduce global warming, and give “eating local” a whole new meaning?
--What technologies and architectural designs are appropriate for vertical farms?
--How did studying parasites in underdeveloped countries lead to his concept for living skyscrapers?

Dr. Despommier’s provocative ideas for re-thinking agriculture and land use have been the subject of recent articles in the New York Times, Time, New York Magazine, and Scientific American. Don’t miss this tall tale . . .

Before & After
-- Groove to towering tunes and vaulting video
-- Stick around for the lofty Q&A
-- And try our stratospheric new cocktail: the Mile Highball (you won’t be vertical for long . . .)

The "Secret Science Club" meets Tuesday, January 13 at 8 p.m. in the basement @ Union Hall, 702 Union St. (at 5th Ave.) in Park Slope, Brooklyn, p: 718.638.4400.
Subway: R to Union St.; F to 4th Ave.; Q, 2, 3, 4, 5 to Atlantic Ave.

No cover charge. Just bring your smart self.
Our venue fills up fast! Come early to get a seat.
Doors open at 7:30. LIMITED SEATS AVAILABLE.

PLEASE BRING ID: 21 and over only. Pocket protectors suggested.

Design by Blake Kurasek, Graduate School of Architecture, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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