An Act of Curation: HSS 2010
Below (after the "read more" bit), you will find a listing of all papers from the upcoming History of Science Society's Annual Meeting that have something to do with American history, broadly construed. I'm working off of titles here, so I may have missed some or added too many. Please don't interpret this as a plea to be too parochial. We can and ought to cross national borders in our study of the history of science. This is an act of curation , meant to show off the diversity of Americanist work at HSS and to bring your attention to panels and papers that you might otherwise miss. Friday 9-11:45 Genes and Mechanisms in the Case of Cystic Fibrosis: Philosophical, Historical and Social Perspectives. Chair and Commentator: Miriam Solomon, Temple University Organizer: Susan Lindee, University of Pennsylvania 1. A Disease About to Disappear, Susan Lindee, University of Pennsylvania 2. Mechanisms, Mutations, and Rational Drug Therapy in the Case of Cystic...