Force and Motion - Rollercoasters!

More Picture Perfect Science Lessons: Using Children's Books to Guide Inquiry, K-4 (PB186X2)Every year we use foam tubes and marbles to teach the concept of force and motion using the lesson plans created by Karen Ansberry and Emily Morgan.  Have you read the book More Picture Perfect Science Lessons? or the sister book Picture Perfect Science Lessons? Both of these books include science lessons based on children's literature in a meaningful context - based on the 5 E's of Inquiry. You can buy them at NSTA or Amazon for about $36.  They are well worth the money!

Recently...I was browsing YouTube and found an excellent explanation of this same lesson that we do each year that was taped in Kansas City.  The teacher does a great job of explaining what she is doing and why she is doing it.  She explains the 5 E's - Engage, Explore, Explain, Extend and Evaluate

It is a perfect example of the program with great modeling by the teacher.  I enjoyed seeing her cute additions to the lesson - the kids wear lab coats and safety goggles! She also had some cute visuals of expressions kids may make when riding on a roller coaster. I hope you will check it out and see a great way to introduce a rather difficult science concept. 



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