Sentence Starters and Vocab...

     The other day I posted the beginning version of my science spot and vocabulary charts.  Since I have been reading Writing in Science in Action by Betsy Fulwiler I have really been thinking about how to make science vocabulary more visible.  She suggested having a pocket chart with the science content words as well as the science process words.  This allows you to pick out the card when the student is using it or needs to use it in discussions as a visual reminder.  I really love that idea! I can imagine myself picking out the word variable when the children discuss what they changed...and holding it up for all to see. What a great strategy!

      I also love the idea of using sentence starter or frames to help students scaffold their writing.  For example, since I start out the year with observations...I will post these sentence frames on the green chart.
  • I observed...

  • I noticed....

  • I think this because....

I will also quickly introduce frames such as these:
  • For example...

  • The evidence shows...

  • The data show....

These will give me and my students a way to structure our thinking in way that will grow over time.  I chose to stick with 3 for a reason....3 is not overwhelming, but still gives students options.  I am fairly sure that my students will know what observe, example and data means...but may need to teach them what evidence is.  For that I will use my everyday words chart to introduce them to the concept of "clues"...think CSI, right???

I will probably be offline for a few days as we are expecting a visit from Hurricane Irene and may lose power.  Fingers crossed, I'll be back on Sunday...but...just in case know that's why I am quiet for now.  Speaking of Irene, I am back to the porch to carry deck furniture to the garage with the hubby!

Gotta run!

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