An Act of Curation: HSS 2010
Below (after the "read more" bit), you will find a listing of all papers from the upcoming History of Science Society's Annual Meeting that have something to do with American history, broadly construed. I'm working off of titles here, so I may have missed some or added too many.
Please don't interpret this as a plea to be too parochial. We can and ought to cross national borders in our study of the history of science.
This is an act of curation, meant to show off the diversity of Americanist work at HSS and to bring your attention to panels and papers that you might otherwise miss.
Friday 9-11:45
Genes and Mechanisms in the Case of Cystic Fibrosis: Philosophical, Historical and Social Perspectives. Chair and Commentator: Miriam Solomon, Temple University Organizer: Susan Lindee, University of Pennsylvania
1. A Disease About to Disappear, Susan Lindee, University of Pennsylvania
2. Mechanisms, Mutations, and Rational Drug Therapy in the Case of Cystic Fibrosis, Lindley Darden, University of Maryland
3. Examining Problems with Using ‘Mechanistic’ Evidence for Managing Cystic Fibrosis, Jeremy Howick, University College London
4. Is My Sick Child Healthy? Is My Healthy Child Sick?: Changing Parental Experiences of Cystic Fibrosis in the Age of Expanded Newborn Screening, Rachel Grob, Sarah Lawrence College (Child Development Institute)
Science and Popular Culture: Making and Communicating Natural Knowledge
Chair and Commentator: Lynn Nyhart, University of Wisconsin, Madison Organizer: Lukas Rieppel, Harvard University
1. Genres of Synthesis, and the Works of George Gamow, Nasser Zakariya, Harvard University
2. The Only Real Skeleton in Europe. Diplodocus, Andrew Carnegie, and German Rivalry, Ilja Nieuwland, Huygens Institute of he Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences
3. Zen and the Art of Textbook Writing, David Kaiser, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
4. Collectors for Hire: Charles Sternberg and the Commercial Fossil Trade, 1870–1930, Lukas Rieppel, Harvard University
The War of Guns and Mathematics: Miltary-Scientific Collaborations and Methods in Ballistics from Euler to World War II Chair and Commentator: Matthew Jones, Columbia University Organizer: David Aubin, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris
3. Mathematicians and Exterior Ballistics in America, 1880–1940, Alan Gluchoff, Villanova University
4. Trajectories After Aberdeen: Exploring Effects of the WWI Experience on American Mathematicians, Deborah A. Kent, Hillsdale College
Rethinking Science and Race: Darwin, Boas, and Dobzhansky
Chair: John Beatty, University of British Columbia Organizer: Lisa Gannett, Saint Mary’s University
2. Racial Science and the Burden of Proof in the Work of Franz Boas, John P. Jackson, Jr., University of Colorado, Boulder
3. Franz Boas’s Interest in Human Genetics, Evolutionary Biology and Physical Anthropology, Veronika Lipphardt, Humboldt University of Berlin
Creating and Crossing Disciplines
Chair: TBD
1. “Balkanizing Physics”: Division vs. Unity and the Establishment of American Solid State Physics in the 1940s, Joseph Martin, University of Minnesota
3. New Disciplinary Dynamics in Post World War II Brain Research: The Case of Francis O. Schmitt’s Neurosciences Research Program at MIT, Tara H. Abraham, University of Guelph
Friday 1:30-3:10
Museums and Popularization of Science
Chair: TBD
2. Science in Action: the New York Museum of Science and Industry and the Politics of Interactivity, Jaume Sastre Juan, CEHIC- Univeristat Autònoma de Barcelona
3. From Science to Propaganda: The Americanization of Otto Neurath’s Pictorial Statistics (1929–1945), Loic Charles, University of Rheims and National Institute for Demographic Studies
Science in a Canadian Context
Chair: TBD
1. Drawing Canada Together: the Geological Survey of Canada and the Formation of the Canadian Visual Imagination, Peter Hodgins, Carleton University
2. The Hospital of the 20th Century: Folk Taxonomies and Contested Ideals, David Theodore, Harvard University
3. “Just a Theory”: The Atomic Theory Debate and Ontario’s High School Chemistry Textbook, 1905–1909, Michelle D. Hoffman, University of Toronto
4. Negotiated Landscapes: Land Grants and Surveying in Upper Canada, 1826–1841, Sarah-Jane Patterson, University of Toronto
Mathematics in the 20th Century
Chair: TBD
2. Problems of Abstraction: Defining an American Standard for Collegiate Mathematics Education at the Turn of the 20th Century, Andy Fiss, Indiana University, Bloomington
3. Calculating Empire: How Mathematics Education Standards Define Nationalism in 20th Century U.S., Emily T. Hamilton, University of California, Berkeley
4. Place and Space in the History of Mathematics: A Comparative Study of the University of Göttingen and New York University’s Mathematical Institutes under the Leadership of Richard Courant, Brittany Shields, University of Pennsylvania
Science, Politics, and Agriculture in Vietnam and China During the Long 20th Century Chair: Fa-ti Fan, The State University of New York, Binghamton Organizer: Michitake Aso, University of Wisconsin, Madison
4. Insect Control in Socialist China and Corporate America: A Transnational Tale of Science and Politics through the Eyes of Three Entomologists, Sigrid Schmalzer, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Friday, 03:30–05:30 PM
Chair and Commentator: Angela Creager, Princeton University Organizer: Jim Endersby, University of Sussex
1. Mutation and Utopia: America’s (evening) Primrose Path to the Future, Jim Endersby, University of Sussex
Environmental Histories of Science: Knowing Nature, Transforming Nature
Chair: Christine Keiner, Rochester Institute of Technology Organizer: Jeremy Vetter, Dickinson College
1. Adaptation, Divinity, and the Agricultural Landscape in New York, 1825–1850, Emily Pawley, University of Pennsylvania
2. Capitalist Nature: The Sciences of Development in the American West, 1860– 1920, Jeremy Vetter, Dickinson College
3. Assuring Uncertainty: Metals, Biology, and Knowledge in the Deer Lodge Valley, Montana, 1880–1920, Kent Curtis, Eckerd College
4. What Is Habitat?, Peter Alagona, University of California, Santa Barbara
Discourse and Discovery: Colonial and Atlantic Encounters and Ideologies of Modern Science Chair and Commentator: Neil Safier, University of British Columbia
Co-Organizers: Christopher Parsons, University of Toronto; Matthew Crawford, University of California, San Diego
1. Botanical Discovery in a Not So New World: French North American Folk Taxonomies in the Seventeenth and 18th Century, Christopher M. Parsons, University of Toronto
2. Cataloging Discovery: Tobacco and Encounter in Sixteenth Century Virginia, Kelly Wisecup, University of North Texas
3. Transatlantic Hispanic Baconianism as a Tool for Understanding Spanish Contributions to Modern Science, Margaret Ewalt, Wake Forest University
Objects of Science, Objects of Culture: Models and Specimens in 19th Century Natural History Chair: Liba Taub, University of Cambridge Organizer: Margaret Olszewski, University of Toronto
2. Displays of Distinction and Decorum: Dr. Auzoux’s Botanical Models In The Growing Educational Marketplace of Late 19th- Century America, Margaret Olszewski, University of Toronto
3. It’s a Giant... It’s an Elephant... It’s a Mammoth!, Taika Dahlbom, University of Turku, Finland
4. Tusks at Tufts, Ruthanna Dyer, York University
Friday, 7:30–9:00 PM
Techniques and Instruments for Science
Chair: Dana Freiburger, University of Wisconsin, Madison
1. Mastering “the Play of Light and Shadow”: Retinoscopy and the Quest of Optometry in Early 20th-Century America, He Bian, Harvard University
Travelling and Collecting in the 18th and 19th Centuries Chair: TBD
1. The Growth of Collaborative Collecting:
Spencer F. Baird, Robert Kennicott, and the Hudson Bay Company, Matthew Laubacher, Arizona State University
4. Tradition and Innovation in the Production of Natural Knowledge in Central America, c.1780–1800, Sophie Brockmann, University of Cambridge
Saturday, 9:00–11:45 AM
Thinking with Specimens: Collections- Based Research in the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology Chair and Commentator: Cathryn Carson, University of California, Berkeley
Organizer: Mary Sunderland, University of California, Berkeley
1. Collections-based Research at the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Mary Sunderland, University of California, Berkeley
2. Taxon-Focused Research in Collections-Based Biology, James R. Griesemer University of California, Davis
3. Collections and Analyses in Lab and Field: Some Problems with a Distinction, Elihu R. Gerson, Tremont Research Institute
The Science, Politics, and Publics of Climate Change
Chair and Organizer: Jessica O’Reilly, University of California, San Diego and Princeton University Commentator: Keynyn Brysse, Princeton University
1. Climate Science, Truth, and Democracy, Evelyn Fox-Keller, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2. Neo-liberalism, Resistance to Climate Science, and the Legacy of the Cold War, Naomi Oreskes, University of California, San Diego
3. The Public Role of Climate Scientists, Michael Oppenheimer, Princeton University
4. The History of a Typo: Himalayan Glacier Predictions and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Jessica O’Reilly, University Of California, San Diego and Princeton University
Science and American Empire
Chair and Commentator: Paul Sutter, University of Colorado, Boulder Organizer: Christine Manganaro, University of Minnesota
1. Sixty-one Years of Soledad: University and Corporate Science at Harvard’s Research Station in Soledad, Cuba, 1898–1959, Megan Raby, University of Wisconsin, Madison
2. Baseline Archipelago: U.S. Insular Science and the Re-mapping of the Philippines, Scott Kirsch, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
3. America’s Rubber Empire: Ecology, Disease, and Commerce in the Making of Firestone Plantations Company, Gregg Mitman, University of Wisconsin, Madison
4. The Social Science of Assimilation in the Settler Colony of Hawai‘i, Christine L. Manganaro, University of Minnesota
Controlling Life in 20th-Century Biology: A Session Inspired by the Work of Philip J. Pauly Chair: Nathan Crowe, University of Minnesota Organizers: Rachel Mason Dentinger, unaffiliated; Nathan Crowe, University of Minnesota Commentator: Jane Maienschein, Arizona State University
1. Recasting “Chemical Warfare” in the 1960s: Coevolutionary Studies and the Evolution of “Natural Insecticides,” Rachel Mason Dentinger, unaffiliated
2. Science of Control?: A History of Nuclear Transfer Experiments, 1940s–1970s, Nathan Crowe, University of Minnesota
3. “A Modified Kind of Man and a Modified Kind of Nature”: Charles Elton’s Vision of Millennial Conservation, Matthew Chew, Arizona State University
4. “Live Animals in Museums: Reframing the Science of Life, From ‘The Watchful Grasshopper’ to ‘The Insect Zoo’, Karen Rader, Virginia Commonwealth University
Women as Subjects of Science
Chair: Sheila Faith Weiss, Clarkson University
1. A Feminist Reproductive Health Coalition: Feminist Health Activists and Emergency Contraception in the United States, 1970– 2000, Heather Munro Prescott, Central Connecticut State University
Saturday 1:30–3:10 PM
Research at the Frontier: Scientific Practices and the Dynamics of Expansion Chair: Bruce Hevly, University of Washington Organizer: Tiago Saraiva, University of Lisbon
1. Terrestrial Physics as Investment in Frontier Building, Bruce Hevly, University of Washington
2. Malaria, Railroads and the Inner Exploration of Brazil, Jaime Larry Benchimol
Rethinking the History of Organicism: New Perspectives on Vital Science
Chair and Organizer: Phillip Sloan, University of Notre Dame
3. Biophysics and Holism at the University of Chicago, 1928–1945: Resistance to Molecularization, Phillip R. Sloan, University of Notre Dame
Progressive Science? Embodiment and Reform in Progressive America
Chair: Jane Maienschein, Arizona State University Organizer: Robin Wolfe Scheffler, Yale University
1. The Metaphysical Club, Pragmatism, and the Search for New Methods in American Biology, 1880–1910, Keith R. Benson, University of British Columbia
2. The Fate of a Progressive Science: The Harvard Fatigue Laboratory, Athletes, and the Science of Work, Robin Wolfe Scheffler, Yale University
3. Biological Analogies in History: Theodore Roosevelt, Nature, and National Character, Henry Cowles, Princeton University
4. Female and Fowl: Eugenic and Euthenic Conflicts about the Body and Reproduction in Early 20th-Century America, Kathy Cooke, Quinnipiac University
Industry, Patronage and Science
Chair: TBD
3. Negotiating Scientific and Industrial Management: The Micromotion Films of Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, 1912–1924, Arlie R. Belliveau, York University
4. “Selling the Research Idea”: The National Research Council’s Promotion of Industrial Research, 1916–1945, Eric S. Hintz, University of Pennsylvania
Biology and Ideology
Chair: Marsha Richmond, Wayne State University
2. ‘Falling in Love Intelligently’: Eugenic Love in the Progressive Era, Susan Rensing, University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh
4. From ‘Passive Confidence’ to ‘Neo- Romanticism’? The American Socialist Left and Popular Evolutionary Theory in The International Socialist Review, 1900–1918, James Fiorentino, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Science in America before 1900
Chair: TBD
1. Electrical Debate: William Watson, Benjamin Franklin, Nature and God, 1745–1763, Christopher Baxfield, University of Leeds
2. “What is the consensus of opinion as to...?”: The Age of the Earth Debates and the Meaning of Scientific Consensus at the End of the 19th Century in America, Sylwester Ratowt, American Philosophical Society
3. Lester Frank Ward v. Othniel C. Marsh: Defining the Mesozoic, Debra Lindsay, University of New Brunswick
4. Knowing Nature, Knowing Gender, and Eating Turkey: Agriculture and Natural History in 19th-Century America, Neil Prendergast, University of Arizona
Saturday 3:30–5:30 PM
Reexamining the Uneasy Partnership: Economics, the Nation State, and the Public Welfare, 1920s-1980s Sponsored by Forum for History of Human Science Chair and Commentator: Sarah Igo, Vanderbilt University
Organizer: Mark Solovey, University of Toronto
1. Re-Imagining Markets: The U.S. Consumer Movement and Federal Economists, 1920- 1970, Thomas A. Stapleford, University of Notre Dame
2. What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger: Patrons, Public Image, and Research in Economics, 1970–1985, Tiago Mata, University of Amsterdam
3. To Measure, Monitor, and Manage the Nation’s Social Progress: U.S. Senator Walter Mondale’s Initiative to Create a Council of Social Advisers, 1967–1974, Mark Solovey, University of Toronto
Seeds of Change: Agricultural Production, Commercial Interests, and the Science of Breeding, 1850–1940 Chair and Commentator: Daniel Kevles, Yale University
Organizer: Helen Anne Curry, Yale University
1. “Prolific”: Valuing Proprietary Staple Varieties in 19th-Century America, Courtney Fullilove, Columbia University
2. From Farm to Can: The Canning Industry and Agricultural Production in the Early 20th Century, Anna Zeide, University of Wisconsin, Madison
3. Breeding the Roentgen Regal Lily: Agricultural and Horticultural Research at the General Electric Laboratory, 1930–1940, Helen Anne Curry, Yale University
Taming the Information Beast
Chair: Staffan Müller-Wille, University of Exeter Organizers: Isabelle Charmantier, University of Exeter, and Bruno Strasser, Yale University
3. Staying Afloat in the ‘Flood of New Information:’ Computers in America’s Cold War Scientific Data Crisis, Joseph November, University of South Carolina
4. “The Fourth Paradigm?” Natural History in Silico, Bruno Strasser, Yale University
Industrial Food and the Biopolitics of Nutrition Science
Chair and Organizer: Helen Veit, Michigan State University Commentator: John Waller, Michigan State University
2. The Cultural Algebra of Nutrition: Rational Eating & Dietary Substitution in the Progressive Era, Helen Veit, Michigan State University
3. Killer Carbs? The Biopolitics of Amylophobia from Graham to Gluten-Free, Aaron Bobrow- Strain, Whitman College
Sunday 10:00–12:00 PM
Gendering the Human Brain: Science, Language, and Sex Difference in the 19th and 20th Centuries Chair: Carla Bittel, Loyola Marymount University Organizer: Kimberly Hamlin, Miami University of Ohio
2. Helen Hamilton Gardener’s Brain: Contested Understandings of Brain Science and Feminist Applications of the Scientific Method, Kimberly A. Hamlin, Miami University of Ohio
3. Silas Weir Mitchell’s Nervous Malady and its Influence on the Rest Cure, Anne M. Stiles, Washington State University
Computers as Scientific Instruments: Technologies, Scientific Practices, and Social Structures Chair: Adelheid Voskuhl, Harvard
Organizer: Ann Johnson, University of South Carolina Commentator: Andrew Russell, Stevens Institute of Technology
3. A Not-so-Short History of Computational Science: Building a Scientific Discipline in the Digital Age, Ann Johnson, University of South Carolina
Science, Identity and Race
Chair: TBD
2. Gender Conservatism and Racial Liberalism in US Psychiatry: Dr. Viola W. Bernard and the Community Service Society of Harlem, 1943–1945, Dennis A. Doyle, Mississippi State University
3. Personalized Medicine or Scientific Racism? The Persistence of the Genetic Theory of Race and its Modern Day Tuskegee, Andrea Patterson, California State University, Fullerton
4. A Brazilian Dilemma: UNESCO Studies in Brazil and the Retreat from Race in the 1950s, Sebastián Gil-Riaño, University of Toronto
Expeditions, Imperialism and Science
Chair: TBD
4. “Botanical Monroe Doctrine” in Puerto Rico: Contours of American Imperial Scientific Expeditions and Research Stations, 1898– 1933, Darryl E. Brock, Fordham University
Knowledge and Politics of Climate in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
Chair: Miruna Achim, Universidad Autonoma de Mexico Organizer: Jean-Baptiste Fressoz, Harvard University Commentator: Jean-François Gauvin, McGill University
2. Hippocratism and Urban Reform: Mexico City and Lima, Late 18th Century, Miruna Achim, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana
Please don't interpret this as a plea to be too parochial. We can and ought to cross national borders in our study of the history of science.
This is an act of curation, meant to show off the diversity of Americanist work at HSS and to bring your attention to panels and papers that you might otherwise miss.
Friday 9-11:45
Genes and Mechanisms in the Case of Cystic Fibrosis: Philosophical, Historical and Social Perspectives. Chair and Commentator: Miriam Solomon, Temple University Organizer: Susan Lindee, University of Pennsylvania
1. A Disease About to Disappear, Susan Lindee, University of Pennsylvania
2. Mechanisms, Mutations, and Rational Drug Therapy in the Case of Cystic Fibrosis, Lindley Darden, University of Maryland
3. Examining Problems with Using ‘Mechanistic’ Evidence for Managing Cystic Fibrosis, Jeremy Howick, University College London
4. Is My Sick Child Healthy? Is My Healthy Child Sick?: Changing Parental Experiences of Cystic Fibrosis in the Age of Expanded Newborn Screening, Rachel Grob, Sarah Lawrence College (Child Development Institute)
Science and Popular Culture: Making and Communicating Natural Knowledge
Chair and Commentator: Lynn Nyhart, University of Wisconsin, Madison Organizer: Lukas Rieppel, Harvard University
1. Genres of Synthesis, and the Works of George Gamow, Nasser Zakariya, Harvard University
2. The Only Real Skeleton in Europe. Diplodocus, Andrew Carnegie, and German Rivalry, Ilja Nieuwland, Huygens Institute of he Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences
3. Zen and the Art of Textbook Writing, David Kaiser, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
4. Collectors for Hire: Charles Sternberg and the Commercial Fossil Trade, 1870–1930, Lukas Rieppel, Harvard University
The War of Guns and Mathematics: Miltary-Scientific Collaborations and Methods in Ballistics from Euler to World War II Chair and Commentator: Matthew Jones, Columbia University Organizer: David Aubin, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris
3. Mathematicians and Exterior Ballistics in America, 1880–1940, Alan Gluchoff, Villanova University
4. Trajectories After Aberdeen: Exploring Effects of the WWI Experience on American Mathematicians, Deborah A. Kent, Hillsdale College
Rethinking Science and Race: Darwin, Boas, and Dobzhansky
Chair: John Beatty, University of British Columbia Organizer: Lisa Gannett, Saint Mary’s University
2. Racial Science and the Burden of Proof in the Work of Franz Boas, John P. Jackson, Jr., University of Colorado, Boulder
3. Franz Boas’s Interest in Human Genetics, Evolutionary Biology and Physical Anthropology, Veronika Lipphardt, Humboldt University of Berlin
Creating and Crossing Disciplines
Chair: TBD
1. “Balkanizing Physics”: Division vs. Unity and the Establishment of American Solid State Physics in the 1940s, Joseph Martin, University of Minnesota
3. New Disciplinary Dynamics in Post World War II Brain Research: The Case of Francis O. Schmitt’s Neurosciences Research Program at MIT, Tara H. Abraham, University of Guelph
Friday 1:30-3:10
Museums and Popularization of Science
Chair: TBD
2. Science in Action: the New York Museum of Science and Industry and the Politics of Interactivity, Jaume Sastre Juan, CEHIC- Univeristat Autònoma de Barcelona
3. From Science to Propaganda: The Americanization of Otto Neurath’s Pictorial Statistics (1929–1945), Loic Charles, University of Rheims and National Institute for Demographic Studies
Science in a Canadian Context
Chair: TBD
1. Drawing Canada Together: the Geological Survey of Canada and the Formation of the Canadian Visual Imagination, Peter Hodgins, Carleton University
2. The Hospital of the 20th Century: Folk Taxonomies and Contested Ideals, David Theodore, Harvard University
3. “Just a Theory”: The Atomic Theory Debate and Ontario’s High School Chemistry Textbook, 1905–1909, Michelle D. Hoffman, University of Toronto
4. Negotiated Landscapes: Land Grants and Surveying in Upper Canada, 1826–1841, Sarah-Jane Patterson, University of Toronto
Mathematics in the 20th Century
Chair: TBD
2. Problems of Abstraction: Defining an American Standard for Collegiate Mathematics Education at the Turn of the 20th Century, Andy Fiss, Indiana University, Bloomington
3. Calculating Empire: How Mathematics Education Standards Define Nationalism in 20th Century U.S., Emily T. Hamilton, University of California, Berkeley
4. Place and Space in the History of Mathematics: A Comparative Study of the University of Göttingen and New York University’s Mathematical Institutes under the Leadership of Richard Courant, Brittany Shields, University of Pennsylvania
Science, Politics, and Agriculture in Vietnam and China During the Long 20th Century Chair: Fa-ti Fan, The State University of New York, Binghamton Organizer: Michitake Aso, University of Wisconsin, Madison
4. Insect Control in Socialist China and Corporate America: A Transnational Tale of Science and Politics through the Eyes of Three Entomologists, Sigrid Schmalzer, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Friday, 03:30–05:30 PM
Chair and Commentator: Angela Creager, Princeton University Organizer: Jim Endersby, University of Sussex
1. Mutation and Utopia: America’s (evening) Primrose Path to the Future, Jim Endersby, University of Sussex
Environmental Histories of Science: Knowing Nature, Transforming Nature
Chair: Christine Keiner, Rochester Institute of Technology Organizer: Jeremy Vetter, Dickinson College
1. Adaptation, Divinity, and the Agricultural Landscape in New York, 1825–1850, Emily Pawley, University of Pennsylvania
2. Capitalist Nature: The Sciences of Development in the American West, 1860– 1920, Jeremy Vetter, Dickinson College
3. Assuring Uncertainty: Metals, Biology, and Knowledge in the Deer Lodge Valley, Montana, 1880–1920, Kent Curtis, Eckerd College
4. What Is Habitat?, Peter Alagona, University of California, Santa Barbara
Discourse and Discovery: Colonial and Atlantic Encounters and Ideologies of Modern Science Chair and Commentator: Neil Safier, University of British Columbia
Co-Organizers: Christopher Parsons, University of Toronto; Matthew Crawford, University of California, San Diego
1. Botanical Discovery in a Not So New World: French North American Folk Taxonomies in the Seventeenth and 18th Century, Christopher M. Parsons, University of Toronto
2. Cataloging Discovery: Tobacco and Encounter in Sixteenth Century Virginia, Kelly Wisecup, University of North Texas
3. Transatlantic Hispanic Baconianism as a Tool for Understanding Spanish Contributions to Modern Science, Margaret Ewalt, Wake Forest University
Objects of Science, Objects of Culture: Models and Specimens in 19th Century Natural History Chair: Liba Taub, University of Cambridge Organizer: Margaret Olszewski, University of Toronto
2. Displays of Distinction and Decorum: Dr. Auzoux’s Botanical Models In The Growing Educational Marketplace of Late 19th- Century America, Margaret Olszewski, University of Toronto
3. It’s a Giant... It’s an Elephant... It’s a Mammoth!, Taika Dahlbom, University of Turku, Finland
4. Tusks at Tufts, Ruthanna Dyer, York University
Friday, 7:30–9:00 PM
Techniques and Instruments for Science
Chair: Dana Freiburger, University of Wisconsin, Madison
1. Mastering “the Play of Light and Shadow”: Retinoscopy and the Quest of Optometry in Early 20th-Century America, He Bian, Harvard University
Travelling and Collecting in the 18th and 19th Centuries Chair: TBD
1. The Growth of Collaborative Collecting:
Spencer F. Baird, Robert Kennicott, and the Hudson Bay Company, Matthew Laubacher, Arizona State University
4. Tradition and Innovation in the Production of Natural Knowledge in Central America, c.1780–1800, Sophie Brockmann, University of Cambridge
Saturday, 9:00–11:45 AM
Thinking with Specimens: Collections- Based Research in the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology Chair and Commentator: Cathryn Carson, University of California, Berkeley
Organizer: Mary Sunderland, University of California, Berkeley
1. Collections-based Research at the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Mary Sunderland, University of California, Berkeley
2. Taxon-Focused Research in Collections-Based Biology, James R. Griesemer University of California, Davis
3. Collections and Analyses in Lab and Field: Some Problems with a Distinction, Elihu R. Gerson, Tremont Research Institute
The Science, Politics, and Publics of Climate Change
Chair and Organizer: Jessica O’Reilly, University of California, San Diego and Princeton University Commentator: Keynyn Brysse, Princeton University
1. Climate Science, Truth, and Democracy, Evelyn Fox-Keller, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2. Neo-liberalism, Resistance to Climate Science, and the Legacy of the Cold War, Naomi Oreskes, University of California, San Diego
3. The Public Role of Climate Scientists, Michael Oppenheimer, Princeton University
4. The History of a Typo: Himalayan Glacier Predictions and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Jessica O’Reilly, University Of California, San Diego and Princeton University
Science and American Empire
Chair and Commentator: Paul Sutter, University of Colorado, Boulder Organizer: Christine Manganaro, University of Minnesota
1. Sixty-one Years of Soledad: University and Corporate Science at Harvard’s Research Station in Soledad, Cuba, 1898–1959, Megan Raby, University of Wisconsin, Madison
2. Baseline Archipelago: U.S. Insular Science and the Re-mapping of the Philippines, Scott Kirsch, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
3. America’s Rubber Empire: Ecology, Disease, and Commerce in the Making of Firestone Plantations Company, Gregg Mitman, University of Wisconsin, Madison
4. The Social Science of Assimilation in the Settler Colony of Hawai‘i, Christine L. Manganaro, University of Minnesota
Controlling Life in 20th-Century Biology: A Session Inspired by the Work of Philip J. Pauly Chair: Nathan Crowe, University of Minnesota Organizers: Rachel Mason Dentinger, unaffiliated; Nathan Crowe, University of Minnesota Commentator: Jane Maienschein, Arizona State University
1. Recasting “Chemical Warfare” in the 1960s: Coevolutionary Studies and the Evolution of “Natural Insecticides,” Rachel Mason Dentinger, unaffiliated
2. Science of Control?: A History of Nuclear Transfer Experiments, 1940s–1970s, Nathan Crowe, University of Minnesota
3. “A Modified Kind of Man and a Modified Kind of Nature”: Charles Elton’s Vision of Millennial Conservation, Matthew Chew, Arizona State University
4. “Live Animals in Museums: Reframing the Science of Life, From ‘The Watchful Grasshopper’ to ‘The Insect Zoo’, Karen Rader, Virginia Commonwealth University
Women as Subjects of Science
Chair: Sheila Faith Weiss, Clarkson University
1. A Feminist Reproductive Health Coalition: Feminist Health Activists and Emergency Contraception in the United States, 1970– 2000, Heather Munro Prescott, Central Connecticut State University
Saturday 1:30–3:10 PM
Research at the Frontier: Scientific Practices and the Dynamics of Expansion Chair: Bruce Hevly, University of Washington Organizer: Tiago Saraiva, University of Lisbon
1. Terrestrial Physics as Investment in Frontier Building, Bruce Hevly, University of Washington
2. Malaria, Railroads and the Inner Exploration of Brazil, Jaime Larry Benchimol
Rethinking the History of Organicism: New Perspectives on Vital Science
Chair and Organizer: Phillip Sloan, University of Notre Dame
3. Biophysics and Holism at the University of Chicago, 1928–1945: Resistance to Molecularization, Phillip R. Sloan, University of Notre Dame
Progressive Science? Embodiment and Reform in Progressive America
Chair: Jane Maienschein, Arizona State University Organizer: Robin Wolfe Scheffler, Yale University
1. The Metaphysical Club, Pragmatism, and the Search for New Methods in American Biology, 1880–1910, Keith R. Benson, University of British Columbia
2. The Fate of a Progressive Science: The Harvard Fatigue Laboratory, Athletes, and the Science of Work, Robin Wolfe Scheffler, Yale University
3. Biological Analogies in History: Theodore Roosevelt, Nature, and National Character, Henry Cowles, Princeton University
4. Female and Fowl: Eugenic and Euthenic Conflicts about the Body and Reproduction in Early 20th-Century America, Kathy Cooke, Quinnipiac University
Industry, Patronage and Science
Chair: TBD
3. Negotiating Scientific and Industrial Management: The Micromotion Films of Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, 1912–1924, Arlie R. Belliveau, York University
4. “Selling the Research Idea”: The National Research Council’s Promotion of Industrial Research, 1916–1945, Eric S. Hintz, University of Pennsylvania
Biology and Ideology
Chair: Marsha Richmond, Wayne State University
2. ‘Falling in Love Intelligently’: Eugenic Love in the Progressive Era, Susan Rensing, University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh
4. From ‘Passive Confidence’ to ‘Neo- Romanticism’? The American Socialist Left and Popular Evolutionary Theory in The International Socialist Review, 1900–1918, James Fiorentino, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Science in America before 1900
Chair: TBD
1. Electrical Debate: William Watson, Benjamin Franklin, Nature and God, 1745–1763, Christopher Baxfield, University of Leeds
2. “What is the consensus of opinion as to...?”: The Age of the Earth Debates and the Meaning of Scientific Consensus at the End of the 19th Century in America, Sylwester Ratowt, American Philosophical Society
3. Lester Frank Ward v. Othniel C. Marsh: Defining the Mesozoic, Debra Lindsay, University of New Brunswick
4. Knowing Nature, Knowing Gender, and Eating Turkey: Agriculture and Natural History in 19th-Century America, Neil Prendergast, University of Arizona
Saturday 3:30–5:30 PM
Reexamining the Uneasy Partnership: Economics, the Nation State, and the Public Welfare, 1920s-1980s Sponsored by Forum for History of Human Science Chair and Commentator: Sarah Igo, Vanderbilt University
Organizer: Mark Solovey, University of Toronto
1. Re-Imagining Markets: The U.S. Consumer Movement and Federal Economists, 1920- 1970, Thomas A. Stapleford, University of Notre Dame
2. What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger: Patrons, Public Image, and Research in Economics, 1970–1985, Tiago Mata, University of Amsterdam
3. To Measure, Monitor, and Manage the Nation’s Social Progress: U.S. Senator Walter Mondale’s Initiative to Create a Council of Social Advisers, 1967–1974, Mark Solovey, University of Toronto
Seeds of Change: Agricultural Production, Commercial Interests, and the Science of Breeding, 1850–1940 Chair and Commentator: Daniel Kevles, Yale University
Organizer: Helen Anne Curry, Yale University
1. “Prolific”: Valuing Proprietary Staple Varieties in 19th-Century America, Courtney Fullilove, Columbia University
2. From Farm to Can: The Canning Industry and Agricultural Production in the Early 20th Century, Anna Zeide, University of Wisconsin, Madison
3. Breeding the Roentgen Regal Lily: Agricultural and Horticultural Research at the General Electric Laboratory, 1930–1940, Helen Anne Curry, Yale University
Taming the Information Beast
Chair: Staffan Müller-Wille, University of Exeter Organizers: Isabelle Charmantier, University of Exeter, and Bruno Strasser, Yale University
3. Staying Afloat in the ‘Flood of New Information:’ Computers in America’s Cold War Scientific Data Crisis, Joseph November, University of South Carolina
4. “The Fourth Paradigm?” Natural History in Silico, Bruno Strasser, Yale University
Industrial Food and the Biopolitics of Nutrition Science
Chair and Organizer: Helen Veit, Michigan State University Commentator: John Waller, Michigan State University
2. The Cultural Algebra of Nutrition: Rational Eating & Dietary Substitution in the Progressive Era, Helen Veit, Michigan State University
3. Killer Carbs? The Biopolitics of Amylophobia from Graham to Gluten-Free, Aaron Bobrow- Strain, Whitman College
Sunday 10:00–12:00 PM
Gendering the Human Brain: Science, Language, and Sex Difference in the 19th and 20th Centuries Chair: Carla Bittel, Loyola Marymount University Organizer: Kimberly Hamlin, Miami University of Ohio
2. Helen Hamilton Gardener’s Brain: Contested Understandings of Brain Science and Feminist Applications of the Scientific Method, Kimberly A. Hamlin, Miami University of Ohio
3. Silas Weir Mitchell’s Nervous Malady and its Influence on the Rest Cure, Anne M. Stiles, Washington State University
Computers as Scientific Instruments: Technologies, Scientific Practices, and Social Structures Chair: Adelheid Voskuhl, Harvard
Organizer: Ann Johnson, University of South Carolina Commentator: Andrew Russell, Stevens Institute of Technology
3. A Not-so-Short History of Computational Science: Building a Scientific Discipline in the Digital Age, Ann Johnson, University of South Carolina
Science, Identity and Race
Chair: TBD
2. Gender Conservatism and Racial Liberalism in US Psychiatry: Dr. Viola W. Bernard and the Community Service Society of Harlem, 1943–1945, Dennis A. Doyle, Mississippi State University
3. Personalized Medicine or Scientific Racism? The Persistence of the Genetic Theory of Race and its Modern Day Tuskegee, Andrea Patterson, California State University, Fullerton
4. A Brazilian Dilemma: UNESCO Studies in Brazil and the Retreat from Race in the 1950s, Sebastián Gil-Riaño, University of Toronto
Expeditions, Imperialism and Science
Chair: TBD
4. “Botanical Monroe Doctrine” in Puerto Rico: Contours of American Imperial Scientific Expeditions and Research Stations, 1898– 1933, Darryl E. Brock, Fordham University
Knowledge and Politics of Climate in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
Chair: Miruna Achim, Universidad Autonoma de Mexico Organizer: Jean-Baptiste Fressoz, Harvard University Commentator: Jean-François Gauvin, McGill University
2. Hippocratism and Urban Reform: Mexico City and Lima, Late 18th Century, Miruna Achim, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana